Install the Auto Deploy Server


What is Auto Deploy?

vSphere Auto Deploy can provision hundreds of physical hosts with ESXi software. You can specify the image to deploy and the hosts to provision with the image. Optionally, you can specify host profiles to apply to the hosts, and a vCenter Server folder or cluster for each host.

When a physical host set up for Auto Deploy is turned on, Auto Deploy uses a PXE boot infrastructure in conjunction with vSphere host profiles to provision and customize that host. No state is stored on the host itself. Instead, the Auto Deploy server manages state information for each host

Auto Deploy stores the information for the ESXi hosts to be provisioned in different locations. Information about the location of image profiles and host profiles is initially specified in the rules that map machines to image profiles and host profiles. When a host boots for the first time, the vCenter Server system creates a corresponding host object and stores the information in the database.

AutoDeploy Requirements

  • DHCP
  • DHCP Option 66: FQDN or IP Address of TFTP Server
  • DHCP Option 67: udionly.kpxe.vmw-hardwired – Name of GPXE Config file which we need the TFTP Server to direct the host to
  • Router Configuration – A setting to allow the DHCP
  • PXE
  • TFTP

Installation Instructions

  • Attach the vCenter ISO
  • Select AutoDeploy


  • Click Next


  • Click Next to the End User Patent Agreement


  • Click I accept to the Licensing agreement


  • Check Auto Deploy repository directory and repository maximum size


  • Put in vCenter Information


  • Trust the SSL Certificate


  • Check the ports


  • Check how your server is identified on the network


  • nn


  • Finish

Configure Advanced Boot Loader and Kernel Options


You can quickly deploy ESXi hosts using scripted, unattended installations or upgrades. Scripted installations, upgrades, or migrations provide an efficient way to deploy multiple hosts.
The installation or upgrade script contains the installation settings for ESXi. You can apply the script to all hosts that you want to have a similar configuration.

The installation or upgrade script can reside in one of the following locations:

  • FTP
  • NFS
  • USB flash drive

Enter Boot Options to Start an Installation or Upgrade Script

You can start an installation or upgrade script by typing boot command-line options at the boot command line.
At boot time you might need to specify options to access the kickstart file.


  • You can enter boot options by pressing Shift+O in the boot loader.
  • For a PXE boot installation, you can pass options through the kernelopts line of the boot.cfg file.


  • At the runweasel command prompt, type ks=location of installation script plus boot command line options
  • Example: ks= nameserver= ip= netmask= gateway=

The ESXi installer includes a default installation script that performs a standard installation to the first detected disk.

The default ks.cfg installation script is located in the initial RAM disk at /etc/vmware/weasel/ks.cfg. You can specify the location of the default ks.cfg file with the ks=file://etc/vmware/weasel/ks.cfg boot option

To get an idea how things work without writing installation script etc. Try installing a (virtual) ESXi host with the default ks.cfg installation script. At the weasel prompt, type:


Kernel Options

The boot loader configuration file boot.cfg specifies

  • The kernel
  • The kernel options
  • The boot modules that the mboot.c32 boot loader uses in an ESXi installation.

The boot.cfg file is provided in the ESXi installer. You can modify the kernelopt line of the boot.cfg file to specify the location of an installation script or to pass other boot options.

This is useful while:

  • Creating an Installation .ISO with a custom installation or upgrade script;
  • Working with PXE booting the ESXi installer, using PXELINUX and a PXE or isolinux.cfg PXE configuration file.


The commands in boot.cfg configure the boot loader.


Identify ESXi Image Builder requirements


What is ESXi Image Builder CLI?

The ESXi Image Builder CLI is a set of PowerCLI cmdlets that you can use to manage vSphere image profiles and VIB packages, such as driver VIBs and update VIBs. You can also use Image Builder cmdlets to export an image profile to an ISO or offline depot ZIP file that you can use to install ESXi with a customized set of updates, patches, and drivers.

  • Manage software depots
  • Manage image profiles
  • Manage Software packages (VIBs).
  • Image profiles and VIBs specify the software you want to use during installation or upgrade of an ESXi host.

ESXi Image Builder Requirements

  • Microsoft .NET 2.0
  • Microsoft PowerShell 1.0 or 2.0
  • vSphere PowerCLI (includes Image Builder cmdlets)
  • Turn off IE ESC in Server Manager – Allows you to download TFTP Boot Zip file and AutoDeploy Log Files

Image Builder Overview

You use Image Builder cmdlets for managing the software to deploy to your ESXi hosts in several different scenarios.


The Image Builder PowerCLI cmdlets take image profiles and VIBs as input and produce different outputs.


Image Builder Architecture


Terms and Definitions



You can create a custom image profile from scratch or clone an existing profile and add or remove VIBs. A profile must meet the following requirements to be valid.

  • Each image profile must have a unique name and vendor combination.
  • Each image profile has an acceptance level. When you add a VIB to an image profile with an Image Builder PowerCLI cmdlet, Image Builder checks that the VIB matches the acceptance level defined for the profile.
  • You cannot remove VIBs that are required by other VIBs.
  • You cannot include two versions of the same VIB in an image profile. When you add a new version of a VIB, the new version replaces the existing version of the VIB.

Image Profile Validation

An image profile and its VIBs must meet several criteria to be valid.

  • Image profiles must contain at least one base VIB and one bootable kernel module
  • If any VIB in the image profile depends on another VIB, that other VIB must also be included in the image profile. VIB creators store that information in the SoftwarePackage object’s Depends property.
  • VIBs must not conflict with each other. VIB creators store conflict information in the SoftwarePackage object’s Conflicts property.
  • Two VIBs with the same name, but two different versions, cannot coexist. When you add a new version of a VIB, the new version replaces the existing version of the VIB.
  • No acceptance level validation issues exist.

When you make a change to an image profile, Image Builder checks that the change does not invalidate the profile.

Acceptance Levels

Each VIB is released with an acceptance level that cannot be changed. The host acceptance level determines which VIBs can be installed to a host. You can change the host acceptance levels with esxcli commands.


Create an Image Profile

Cloning a published profile is the easiest way to create a custom image profile. Cloning a profile is especially useful if you want to remove a few VIBs from a profile, or if you want to use hosts from different vendors and want to use the same basic profile, but want to add vendor-specific VIBs. VMware partners or large installations might consider creating a profile from scratch.


Add VIBs to an Image Profile

You can add one or more VIBs to an image profile if that image profile is not set to ReadOnly. If the new VIB depends on other VIBs or conflicts with other VIBs in the profile, a message is displayed at the PowerShell prompt and the VIB is not added.
You can add VIBs from VMware or from VMware partners to an image profile. If you add VMware VIBs, the Image Builder PowerCLI performs validation. If you add VIBs from two or more OEM partners, no errors are reported but the resulting image profile might not work. Install VIBs from only one OEM vendor at a time.

Custom drivers can be found in the “Drivers & Tools” section in the vSphere 5.0 “Support and Downloads” pages.


Export an Image Profile to ISO or Offline Bundle ZIP

You can export an image profile to an ISO image or a ZIP file of component files and folders. You cannot create both by running the cmdlet once. You can use the ISO image as an ESXi installer or upload the ISO into vSphere Update Manager for upgrades. You can use the ZIP file, which contains metadata and the VIBs specified in the image profile, for upgrades to ESXi 5.0 and later.

Export an image profile to ISO from the PowerCLI prompt.


Export an image profile to an offline bundle ZIP from the PowerCLI prompt.



  • Log in to the console of the Windows system on which vCenter Server is installed with administrator privileges, either directly or by using RDP.
  • Download the ESXi Depot ZIP file from the VMware Web site to a location the PowerCLI Windows system can access.
  • Typically, you will start by downloading the VMware software depot from This depot contains the ESXi VIBs provided by VMware. Choose the zip file



  • The file has a name that follows this pattern:
  • Save the ZIP file to your local D:\ drive or any volume with enough space and note the location of the file. I am using E:\depot
  • Download a VIB from a manufacturers website like Brocade and save this into your depot


  • Start a PowerCLI session and run the following cmdlets at the prompt.
  • Connect-VIServer -Server your_vc_hostname -User username -Password password
  • Add-EsxSoftwareDepot E:\Depot\
  • Add-EsxSoftwareDepot E:\Depot\


  • Run Get-EsxImageProfile


  • Clone an existing profile to use as your starting point
  • New-EsxImageProfile -CloneProfile ESXi-5.1.0-799733-standard -name mycustomprofile -AcceptanceLevel PartnerSupported


  • Next add the Brocade software package to the mycustomprofile
  • Type Get-ESXSoftwarePackage | where {$_.vendor -eq Brocade} to see your software


  • Then type Add-EsxSoftwarePackage -ImageProfile mycustomprofile -SoftwarePackage net-bna
  • Note you can also remove software by typing remove-esxsoftwarepackage -imageprofile mycustomprofile -softwarepackage net-bna


  • If you want you can compare the original profile with your custom profile to check the Software Package has been added
  • compare-esximageprofile and then input the Reference profile                                (ESXi-5.1.0-799733-standard) with the Comparison profile (mycustomprofile)


  • After adding the VIBs, you need to save/export the Image Profile which you can do to a zip file or an ISO file

See below 2 commands (ZIP and ISO)

  • For ISO, type Export-EsxImageProfile -ImageProfile mycustomprofile -ExportToIso -FilePath E:\depot\MyCustomImage.iso
  • For ZIP, type Export-EsxImageProfile -ImageProfile mycustomprofile -ExportToIso -FilePath E:\depot\


  • Check the depot for your new custom iso


Given a Scenario, Determine when to Customize a Configuration

  • If you are deploying a single or a few hosts, you will tend to go for an interactive install.
  • When deploying a larger number of hosts, it is a good idea to choose a scripted installation or use Auto Deploy
  • Auto Deploy is under the highest licensing package VMware offer so the functionality depends on what licensing you have
  • Staff will require skills in command line configuration
  • Time taken to write scripts and test custom builds may be not feasible in some IT Departments


Identify custom installation options


Installing ESXi

vSphere 5.0 provides various options for installation and setup. To ensure a successful vSphere deployment, understand the installation and setup options, and the sequence of tasks required.
You have several options for installing and setting up ESXi, for managing vSphere with vCenter Server, the vSphere Client, and the vSphere Web Client, and for the database setup that you use with vCenter Server.

Options for installing ESXi

  • Interactive ESXi Installation

Interactive installations are recommended for small deployments of fewer than five hosts. You boot the installer from a CD or DVD, from a bootable USB device, or by PXE booting the installer from a location on the network. You follow the prompts in the installation wizard to install ESXi to disk.

  • Scripted ESXi Installation

Running a script is an efficient way to deploy multiple ESXi hosts with an unattended installation. The installation script contains the host configuration settings. You can use the script to configure multiple hosts with the same settings.  The installation script must be stored in a location that the host can access by HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, NFS, CDROM, or USB. You can PXE boot the ESXi installer or boot it from a CD/DVD or USB drive.


  • vSphere Auto Deploy ESXi Installation Option

With the vSphere Auto Deploy ESXi Installation, you can provision and reprovision large numbers of ESXi hosts efficiently with vCenter Server. Using the Auto Deploy feature, vCenter Server loads the ESXi image directly into the host memory. Auto Deploy does not store the ESXi state on the host disk. vCenter Server stores and manages ESXi updates and patching through an image profile, and, optionally, the host configuration through a host profile. You can create image profiles with ESXi Image Builder CLI, and host profiles using the vSphere Client.

The first time you install a host with Auto Deploy, the host PXE boots and establishes contact with the AutoDeploy server, which streams the image profile and any host profile to the host. The host starts, using the image profile, and Auto Deploy assigns the host to the appropriate vCenter Server system.
When you restart the host, vCenter Server uses the Auto Deploy feature to provision the host with the appropriate image and host profile. If the image profile changes, for example, for an update or patch, the administrator can propagate the change to all hosts that are provisioned with Auto Deploy and managed by a vCenter Server system. This ability makes Auto Deploy an efficient way to provision and reprovision large numbers of hosts, and to enforce compliance to a master ESXi image.

Given a sample script, modify the script to perform a given action


Basic Script 1

This script will connect to the vCenter Server and get all VMs in a folder followed by starting those VMs in a folder

$vms = get-vm -Location Test-Folder
# Start each vm in the folder
ForEach($vm in $vms)
start-vm -RunAsync -VM $vm -Confirm:$false

Basic Script 2

This script will go and find any VMs which have their CD Drive connected

Get-VM | Where-Object {$_ | Get-CDDrive |  Where-Object { $_.ConnectionState.Connected -eq “true”  } } |  Select-Object Name

Advanced Reporting Script

This script should only show RDMs but for both compatibility modes

$RDMs = @()
foreach($vm in (Get-View -ViewType “VirtualMachine”)) {
    foreach($dev in ($vm.Config.Hardware.Device | where {($_.gettype()).Name -eq “VirtualDisk”})) {
        if(($dev.Backing.CompatibilityMode -eq “physicalMode”) -or ($dev.Backing.CompatibilityMode -eq “virtualMode”)) {
            $objRdm = “” | select VMName, VMDK, UUID, DiskLabel, SCSIBus, SCSIDevice, Mode
            $objRdm.VMName = $vm.Name
            $objRdm.VMDK = $dev.Backing.FileName
            $objRdm.UUID = $dev.Backing.LunUuid
            $objRdm.DiskLabel = $dev.DeviceInfo.Label
            $objRdm.SCSIBus = ( $vm.Config.Hardware.Device | ? { $_.Key -eq $dev.ControllerKey }).BusNumber
            $objRdm.SCSIDevice = $dev.UnitNumber
            $objRdm.Mode = $dev.Backing.CompatibilityMode
            $RDMs += $objRdm

$report = @()

foreach ($cluster in (Get-View -ViewType “ClusterComputeResource”)) {
    $vmhostsview = $ | % { Get-View $_ }
    $vmhostview = $vmhostsview | Select -first 1
    $ScsiLuns = $vmhostsview | % { $_.Config.StorageDevice.ScsiLun } | Select -unique *
    $UUIDs = $ScsiLuns | Select -unique UUID
    $Datastores = $vmhostsview | % { $_.Config.FileSystemVolume.MountInfo } | % { $_.Volume } | Select -Unique *
    $HostLUN = $vmhostsview | % { $_.Config.StorageDevice.ScsiTopology.Adapter } | % { $_.Target | % { $_.LUN } } | Select -unique *
    foreach ($UUID in $UUIDs) {
        $Lun = $ScsiLuns | ? { $_.UUID -eq $UUID.UUID } | Select -first 1
        $objVolume = “” | Select Cluster, VolumeName, CanonicalName, DisplayName, VolumeType, CapacityGB, BlockSizeMb, VMFSVersion, LunType, Vendor, Model, HostLUN, VM, VMDiskLabel, VMSCSIBus, VMSCSIDevice, Revision, ScsiLevel, UUID
        $objVolume.Cluster = $cluster.Name
        $objVolume.CanonicalName = $Lun.CanonicalName
        $objVolume.HostLUN = ($HostLUN | ? { $_.ScsiLun -eq $Lun.Key } | select -unique LUN).LUN
        $objVolume.UUID = $Lun.Uuid
        $objVolume.CapacityGB = $Lun.Capacity.Block * $Lun.Capacity.BlockSize / 1GB
        $objVolume.DisplayName = $Lun.DisplayName
        $objVolume.LunType = $Lun.LunType
        $objVolume.Vendor = $Lun.Vendor
        $objVolume.Model = $Lun.Model
        $objVolume.Revision = $Lun.Revision
        $objVolume.ScsiLevel = $Lun.ScsiLevel
        foreach ($vol in $Datastores) {
            if ($vol.extent | % { $_.diskname -eq $Lun.CanonicalName}) {
                $objVolume.VolumeName = $vol.Name
                $objVolume.BlockSizeMb = $vol.BlockSizeMb
                $objVolume.VMFSVersion = $vol.Version
                $objVolume.VolumeType = “vmfs”
        foreach ($rdm in $RDMs) {
            if ($Lun.Uuid -eq $rdm.UUID) {
                $objVolume.VolumeName = $rdm.VMDK
                $objVolume.VM = $rdm.VMName
                $objVolume.VMDiskLabel = $rdm.DiskLabel
                $objVolume.VMSCSIBus = $rdm.SCSIBus
                $objVolume.VMSCSIDevice = $rdm.SCSIDevice
                if ($rdm.Mode -eq “virtualMode” ) { $objVolume.VolumeType = “rdm” }
                if ($rdm.Mode -eq “physicalMode”) { $objVolume.VolumeType = “rdmp” }
        $report += $objVolume
$report | Export-Csv “C:\report.csv” -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture

Running PowerShell Scripts

  • Launch PowerShell
  • Make sure Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned is the policy
  • Run the script by entering the full path to the script (c:\scripts\myscript.ps1), or if it’s in the current directory, prefix it with a period followed by a backslash (.\myscript.ps1).

Identify environment variables usage


PowerShell providers

A PowerShell provider, or PSProvider, is an adapter. It’s designed to take some kind of data storage and make it look like a disk drive. PowerShell Providers are .NET programs that allow us to work with data stores as if they were mounted drives. This simplifies accessing external data outside the PowerShell environment. For example, we can access the registry as if it were a file system. You can see a list of installed providers right within the shell:

  • get-psprovider


Notice that each provider has different capabilities. This is important, because it
affects the ways in which you can use each provider. These are some of the common
capabilities you’ll see:

  • ShouldProcess—Means the provider supports the use of the -WhatIf and -Confirm parameters, enabling you to “test” certain actions before committing to them.
  • Filter—Means the provider supports the -Filter parameter on the cmdlets that manipulate providers’ content.
  • Credentials—Means the provider permits you to specify alternate credentials when connecting to data stores. There’s a -credential parameter for this.
  • Transactions—Means the provider supports the use of transactions, which allows you to use the provider to make several changes, and then either roll back or commit those changes as a single unit.

PowerShell Drives “PSDrive”

We connect to PowerShell Providers by mounting the Providers PowerShell Drive(PSDrive). Most Providers have only one PSDrive, the exceptions are the FileSystem Provider(depends on the number of drives on the system) and the Registry Provider(HKLM and HKCU).

You use a provider to create a PSDrive. A PSDrive uses a single provider to connect to some actual data storage. You’re essentially creating a drive mapping, much like you might have in Windows Explorer, but a PSDrive, thanks to the providers, is able to connect to much more than disks. Run the following command to see a list of currently connected drives:

  • get-psdrive


You can change to these drives by typing the below. Windows environment variables are visible as a PS drive called Env:

  • set-location -path env:
  • Try typing dir
  • You can also type it all in one as get-child-item env: or dir env:


The PowerShell Environment Provider

The Environment Providers are equivalent to running the “set” command in a windows CMD command shell. It provides a listing of all the environment variable defined on the system. Graphically, you can view the environment variables by going to System Properties > Advanced Tab > Click the “Environment Variables” button


Use Datastore and Inventory Providers


The Inventory Provider

The Inventory Provider (VimInventory ) is designed to expose a raw inventory view of the inventory items from a server. It enables interactive navigation and file-style management of the VMware vSphere inventory.
By creating a PowerShell drive based on a managed object (such as a datacenter), you obtain a view of its contents and the relationships between the items. In addition, you are able to manipulate objects (move, rename or delete them) by running commands from the vSphere PowerCLI console.

When you connect to a server with Connect-VIServer, the cmdlet builds two default inventory drives: vi and vis

  • The vi inventory drive shows the inventory on the last connected server.
  • The vis drive contains the inventory all vSphere servers connected with in the current vSphere PowerCLI session.

You can use the default inventory drives or create custom drives based on the default ones


To view the content of a default inventory drive

  • Access the vi inventory drive by typing cd vi:
  • Type dir


The Datastore Provider

The Datastore Provider (VimDatastore) is designed to provide access to the contents of one or more datastores. The items in a datastore are files that co ntain configuration, virtua l disk, and the other data associated with a virtua l machine.All file operations are case-sensitive.

When you connect to a server with Connect-VIServer , the cmdlet builds two default datastore drives:

  • vmstore: The vmstore drive displays the datastores available on the last connected vSphere server.
  • vmstores:  The vmstores drive contains all datastores available on all vSphere servers connected within the current vSphere PowerCLI session. You can use the default inventory drives or create custom drives based on the default ones

To browse a default datastore drive

  • Access the vmstore drive – set-location vmstores: or type cd vmstore:
  • List the drive content:dir
  • Follow the commands down


Use Web Service Access Cmdlets


What are the Web Service Access Cmdlets?

The vSphere PowerCLI 4.1 list of cmdlets includes two Web Service Access cmdlets:

  • Get-View
  • Get-VIObjectByVIView

They enable access to the programming model of the vSphere SDK for .NET from PowerShell and can be used to initiate vSphere .NET objects. Each object:

  • Is a static copy of a server-side managed object and is not automatically updated when the object on the server changes.
  • Includes properties and methods that correspond to the properties and operations of the server-side managed object. For more informat ion about server-side object methods and properties, check the VMware vSphere API Reference Guide

Using the Web Service Access cmdlets for low-level VMware vSphere management requires some knowledge of both PowerShell scripting and the VMware vSphere API

The reason people seem to be using the Get-View cmdlet is the fact it is known to be faster than using other PowerCLI cmdlets for getting info (such as Get-VM, Get-VMHost, Get-Datastore, etc.) Some things can’t be done using powercli cmdlets, and they need to be executed using views and their methods. Views also  provide access to specific managers like license manager, alarm manager etc…

Example 1

These 2 commands do the same thing

  • $vm = Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Filter @{“Name” = “hostname”}
  • $vm = Get-VM hostname | Get-View


Example 2: Filter vSphere Objects

This procedure illustrates the use of the Get-View cmdlet in combination with a filter. The filter parameter is a HashTable containing one or more pairs of filter criteria. Each of the criteria consists of a property path and a value that represents a regular expression pattern used to match the property.

The filter in this procedure gets a list of the powered on virtual machines whose guest OS names contain “Windows XP”. The Get-View cmdlet then initiates shutdown for each guest operating system in the list.


Example 3: To modify the CPU levels of a virtual machine

This example shows how to modify the CPU levels of a virtual machine using combination of the Get-View and Get-VIObjectByVIView cmdlets


Viewtype from get-view supports those views:

  • ComputeResource
  • ClusterComputeResource
  • Datacenter, Datastore
  • Network
  • DistributedVirtualPortgroup
  • DistributedVirtualSwitch
  • Folder
  • HostSystem
  • ResourcePool
  • VirtualApp
  • VirtualMachine
  • VmwareDistributedVirtualSwitch


vSphere PowerCLI Administration Guide

Useful Websites

Use basic and advanced Cmdlets to manage VMs and ESX Hosts


Some useful commands for working with PowerCLI on VMware objects

The best thing to do is to get lots of practice in with these commands


The most useful PowerShell book

This book is great for beginners and a complete introduction to PowerShell. The concepts can then be applied to PowerCLI


Useful PowerShell GUIs

Note: These will be useful for practicing Powershell with the concepts you learn being able to be applied to PowerCLI


This is a free tool that is extremely useful to use PowerCLI productively and comes with a ton of pre-created scripts. That tool is PowerGUI and it includes the VMware Community PowerPack.

SAPIEN PrimalScript and PrimalForms

Two commercial tools

PowerSE and PowerWF

A free editor and a commercial workflow solution from

Idera PowerShell Plus

An editor and console environment

VMware Onyx

This tool acts as a proxy server between your vSphere Client and vCenter server. The Onyx console shows you everything you do in the vSphere Client generated as a PowerCLI script (automatically) that you can use and modify however you like

Install and Configure Update Manager PowerShell Library


Update Manager PowerShell Library

VMware Update Manager – PowerShell Library may be installed and used on any machine that has VMware Infrastructure Toolkit (for Windows) installed and access to a VirtualCenter server. It does not require to be installed on the same machine as the VMware Update Manager or the VirtualCenter Server.

You can install Update Manager – PowerShell Library the following ways

  • A stand-alone Windows installer
  • As a part of the installation process of the VMware Update Manager (Update Manager server or Update Manager plug-in)


To install and use Update Manager – PowerShell Library 1.0 , you need to have installed the following:

  • .NET 2.0 SP1
  • Windows PowerShell 1.0
  • VI Toolkit (for Windows) 1.5 Download Here
  • Update Manager – PowerShell Library 1.0 works only with Update Manager 1.0 Update

Installing Update Manager – PowerShell Library Using the Stand-Alone

  • Install the VI Toolkit for Windows 1.5
  • Click on the exe. Click Next


  • Accept License Agreement


  • Select Destination folder and click Next


  • Create Desktop Shortcut if required


  • Click Install and say yes to the below message


  • Click Finish and Launch VMware VI Toolkit


Installing Update Manager – PowerShell Library Using Update Manager Installer

The VMware Update Manager (Server or User Interface Plugin) installer provides an option to install Update Manager – PowerShell Library if you already have VI Toolkit (for Windows) installed on the target system.
To install the VMware Update Manager – PowerShell Library as part of the VMware Update Manager (Update Manager Server or Update Manager plugin) installation

  • Launch the VMware Update Manager installer and follow the wizard instructions.
  • In the VMware Update Manager Toolkit page, select the Install VMware Update Manager Toolkit check box.
  • Proceed with the VMware Update Manager installation.

Getting Started with Update Manager – PowerShell Library

The VMware Update Manager – PowerShell Library provides a set of 13 cmdlets for downloading software updates, creating baselines, and for scanning and remediating virtual machines or hosts. These cmdlets are stored in the VMware.VUMAutomation plug-in, and are available through the VI Toolkit (for Windows) console.

  • To get started with Update Manager – PowerShell Library, launch the VI Toolkit (for Windows) console from the Windows Start menu or by clicking the VI Toolkit shortcut icon.
  • To get a list of all Update Manager – PowerShell Library cmdlets, run the Get-Command with the -PSSnapin parameter: