Archive for App-V

App-V 5 Sequencing


The Microsoft Application Virtualization (or App-V) Sequencer is a component of the App-V suite used to package your applications to be deployed to systems using the App-V Client. Properly sequencing applications is the key to a successful App-V implementation.  As such, it’s important to follow Microsoft’s recommended practices and be aware of the different options when sequencing.

This blog follows from an initial blog covering App-V 5 features and how to install the App-V 5 Management Server. Click here to read more

Note: I am using App-V 5 RDS Windows Server 2012. The APP-V Sequencer runs on Windows 2012 and my App-V Client runs on a Windows Server 2012 Terminal Server for testing

Sequencer Workstation Configuration

Proper configuration of the sequencing station is imperative to ensure that applications will function properly when streamed to a client.  Microsoft recommends the following configuration when sequencing:

  • Sequence on a machine that matches the Operating System and configuration level for the target clients. Microsoft has clarified its support stance since 4.2. Sequencing on Windows XP and deploying to Windows Vista is not a supported scenario. If you choose to sequence on one Operating System and deploy to another then you do so at your own risk.  In addition to the Operating System, you want to make sure your sequencer is at the same service pack and hot fix level of your deployed workstations.
  • If Microsoft Office is part of the base image of the client, then include it as part of the base image of the sequencer.  Many applications will install differently if they recognize that Microsoft Office is already installed on the machine.  Thus, if an application is expected to integrate with Microsoft Office, it’s best to attempt sequencing on a machine with Office already installed and activated. This assumes that a Microsoft Office suite will be installed locally on all client PCs. In addition you may want to install any other programs that could be used by the application you are sequencing if they are not going to be a part of the sequence.
  • Create an ODBC DSN setting as part of the Sequencer base image.  If no ODBC DSN setting exists on the base Sequencer image and the application being packaged creates one, the entire registry key associated with ODBC settings will become virtualized.  This will prohibit the packaged application from seeing any ODBC DSN settings that exist on the base client machine.  If an ODBC entry already exists on the Sequencer machine, only the ODBC settings will become virtualized, and the ODBC settings on the Client will be merged with the ODBC settings in the package. The following locations can be checked to determine ODBC information was captured:
  • Search for odbc.ini: It will be located in the VFS\%CSIDL_WINDOWS% folder
  • HKLM\Software\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources
  • Add a dummy printer device as part of the Sequencer base image. Printers act in the same manner as ODBC settings.  It is necessary to include a dummy printer device in the sequencer PC image.  For step by step instruction on how to create a dummy printer device refer to Appendix B.
  • Setup your sequencer machine with multiple partitions. It is recommended that the sequencer machine be configured with at least two primary partitions. The first partition C:, should have the operating system installed and should be formatted as NTFS. The second partition Q:, is used as the destination path for the application installation and should also be formatted as NTFS.
  • Temp Directory. The sequencer uses the %TMP%, %TEMP%, and its own Scratch directory for temporary files.  These locations should contain free disk space equivalent to the estimated installation size. The scratch directory is where the sequencer will temporarily store files generated during the sequencing process. You can check the location of the Scratch directory by launching the sequencer, clicking Options from the Tools menu, clicking the Paths tab, and then noting the Scratch Directory box. Placing the temp directories and the scratch directory on different hard drive spindles can improve performance during sequencing.
  • Sequence using Virtual PC. Most applications will be sequenced more than once. This may be due to additional configuration changes or simply starting over to correct a mistake. The point is that you will be going back to your original configuration on the PC several times. To help facilitate this you may want to use a Virtual Machine. This will let you sequence an application and with a simple click of a button revert back to a clean state so you can continue sequencing with no down time. Additionally whenever you start a new sequence you will want to do so on a clean system.
  • Shutdown Other Programs. Processes and scheduled tasks that normally run on your computer can slow down the sequencing process and cause irrelevant data to be gathered during sequencing. These programs should be shutdown before you begin sequencing. Some of these programs include:
  • Windows Defender
  • Antivirus Software
  • Disk defragmentation software
  • Windows Search
  • Microsoft update
  • Any open Windows Explorer session

Note: The sequencer workstation should be fully scanned for viruses and malware and then the anti-virus and anti-malware software should be disabled before creating a snapshot image of the sequencer workstation

Installing and using the App-V 5 Sequencer

I am going to be using a newly built Windows 2012 Virtual Server which has had a base build + updates.

  • First of all install the APP-V Sequencer
  • Click Install


  • Accept the License Agreement


  • Choose whether to join the Customer Experience Improvement Program and click Install


  • Here Setup should have completed successfully


  • Hold down the Windows key and Q to get the aero screen showing all your applications and click on Microsoft Application virtualization Sequencer which will then pop up the box below
  • Click Create a new Virtual Application Package


  • Select Create Package and click Next


  • Next, the Sequencer examines the current operating environment to evaluate running processes or conditions that are in place (e.g. the Sequencer has not been reverted to a clean state after a previous sequencing operation, or there are pending reboot operations) that might prevent successful sequencing. See example below


  • It should now look like the below when everything is ok


  • Choose the type of application. Click Standard Application (default)
  • Standard Application (Default) Select this option when sequencing a single application or suiting multiple applications into the same virtual application package
  • Add-on or Plug-in. Select this option when sequencing multiple applications in separate virtual application packages and linking them using a Connection Group.  This option can also be used when packaging Add-ons or Plug-ins for locally installed applications like Internet Explorer.
  • Middleware. Select this option when sequencing multiple applications in separate virtual application packages and linking those using Connection Groups.  This option will first create the application package for the middleware component and then create the second virtual application package that will contain the primary application
  • Click Next


  • Select the Installer for the application is the first option. An “installer” can be any executable file designed to install the desired application.  The Sequencer will automatically launch the installer when it activates monitoring.
  • Alternatively, “Perform a custom installation” can be selected.  This option causes the sequencing wizard to enter monitoring and then wait for manual launching installation tasks.  This option is often useful when sequencing applications that may not have an install or setup file such as applications that copy from a network share


  • I am going to use the Adobe Reader 11 installer


  • Select a package name, typically something descriptive of the vendor, software and version.  This name is independent of the Primary Virtual Application Directory, but should be noted for saving the package. Saving the package in a directory named for the package name is recommended.  At the package name screen, select the Primary Virtual Application Directory.
  • The Primary Virtual Application Directory is the directory that will contain all files for the sequence.  It is recommended to define the application’s default installation directory (example C:\Program Files (X86)\directory) as the Primary Virtual Application Directory.
  • Click Next


  • When multiple installers are required to create the package, click Run after the completion of each installer, select the next installation program, or manually launch the installer until all installers have been successfully installed.
    Once all installations are complete, select the I am finished installing check box and click Next.The installer popped up automatically or you can manually click on your exe to run the software


  • The application you selected should start automatically


  • Click Finish when the application has finished


  • Put a tick in I am finished installing


  •  The below screen will run


  • Many applications have first-run tasks such as accepting license agreements, etc.  At this stage, execute the application(s) at least once by selecting the application and clicking the “Run Selected” or “Run All” buttons (multiple executions are recommended to ensure any second-run tasks are executed).  Also, it is during this execution that any applicable application configuration changes should be made.
  • Note: This screen is also running in monitoring mode.  It is possible to manage the tasks for programs that are not listed on this page by launching them outside of the Sequencer using Windows Explorer
  • Then the following screen – Configure Software will appear


  • Example License Acceptance from Adobe on first run


  • Click Next
  • Review the Installation Report
  • The Sequencer detects common issues during sequencing. The Installation Report page of the wizard displays diagnostic messages categorized into Errors, Warnings, and Info depending on the severity of the issue. Double click an item in the report to view detailed information about the issue as well as suggestions for resolution. Messages from the system preparation report as well as the installation report are summarized upon package completion and are saved along with the package in a report.xml file.


  • Excluded Files
  • Drivers
  • COM+ System differences
  • SxS Conflicts
  • Shell Extensions
  • Files or registry entries that were not captured during monitoring
  • Choose Stop now if the sequence will not benefit from further customization and select Create.
  • However, often there are other steps remaining under the Customise Option such as:
  • Splitting the package into feature blocks to reduce the streaming requirement and save bandwidth.
  • Selecting additional client operating systems that will be permitted to receive this package.
  • Changing shortcuts and file type associations.
  • Modifying registry settings and adding and deleting files in the package.
  • When additional customization is required select Customize and Next to continue the sequencing process and allow additional changes prior to the creation of the package.


  •  Choose Customise


  • Prepare for Streaming
  • Feature blocks are designed to optimize the applications for streaming (if applicable), creating a minimum launch threshold that allows launching larger applications as soon as enough of the package has been downloaded and does not require downloading the entire package.  This enables users access to applications more quickly upon deployment.
  • Feature blocks also reduce the total network bandwidth used when launching the application for the first time and saves hard disk space on the client by leaving less-used data on the server until it is specifically called by the user.
  • Creating feature blocks is recommended unless the deployment method for virtual application packages is only completed with System Center Configuration Manager for Download Locally and Run option or via MSI for standalone mode clients.
  • At the Prepare for Streaming screen, feature blocks are created based on individual, selection of, or all applications


  • Select and run each shortcut from the package that users execute in typical day-to-day operations.  Then, perform the common tasks that typical users perform within each particular application during normal operations.
  • During this process, the Sequencer tracks which specific pieces of the package’s resources are being executed and includes them in the primary feature block.  When a user launches the application for the first time, the App-V client will stream and cache just the data within the primary feature block over the network and will launch the application.
  • Any pieces of the package not included in the primary feature block are placed in the secondary feature block and reside on the server or storage location until specific resources from within the secondary feature block are called by the App-V client.  Those pieces are streamed on-demand and cached on the client.
  • Clicking ‘Next’ without launching any shortcuts enables the entire content of the package streaming and cached “on-demand” on the App-V client.  Typically, this is done for very small application packages if streaming the entire package does not cause any network bandwidth concerns.
  • Normally, the client launches the application after the primary feature block has been downloaded to improve launch time.  By selecting the “Force application(s) to be fully downloaded before launching” option, the client will be forced to wait until all blocks of the virtual application package have been downloaded before launching the application.  This is useful when clients may be running this package over slow WAN links.Launch your application and then close it again
  • Launch Adobe and make any modifications then close this again


  • Now what Operating systems do you want to allow this to run on


  • You can now continue to modify the package or save the package now. For the purpose of seeing all the options, click to continue


  • You should now have a Package completed screen


  • The next screen which is the package editor, is composed of several tabs that enable further configuration modification prior to saving the package.  These tabs include options to modify the various settings
  • Properties


  • Deployment


  • Change History


  • Virtual Registry displays the current virtual registry configuration and allows for deleting or renaming existing keys and values as well as adding new keys and values in both the HKLM (Machine) and HKUSERS (Users) hives. Where the same registry key may exist on the local system as well as in the virtual application package, the virtual key can be configured to either merge with the local configuration or override the local configuration


  • The Package Files tab displays the current list of files and folders added to the package and allows for the addition or deletion of files.  However, this interface should not be used to add or remove files in the package if the package has previously been optimized for streaming by way of creating feature blocks


  • The Virtual Services tab displays the current configuration of virtualized application services and allows for changing the Startup Type, Log On and Dependencies configuration of virtualized services.
  • Note: The services tab is read-only.  In order to disable a virtual service, set the service’s properties during monitoring using Services.msc or by utilizing a dynamic configuration file post-sequencing.


  • The Advanced tab provides an option to enable visibility of named and COM objects in an App-V package to the local system to improve the usability of some application functions.  Local system visibility may be useful for such tasks as virtualizing legacy versions of Microsoft Outlook


  • The Shortcuts and FTAs tab provides the ability to customize the Shortcuts and File Type Associations for the applications identified during monitoring.  Applications may have to be added or removed from this list, based requirements for the final package.  In addition, with web-based applications it is often necessary to add Internet Explorer as an application where the web-based application requires launching Internet Explorer as a dependency.
  • Each application can be modified to change the name, icon, file type associations, and locations for shortcuts on destination computers.


  • When you are finished making customizations, select the File pull-down menu and select Save or Save As to save the virtual application package.
  • As a recommended best practice, create a new folder for the package using the Package Name and save the package in this folder.  Once saved, copy the package folder to a preferred package repository.


  • It should show you the below screen!


  •  Next you need to open up the App-V 5 Web Console and connect to App-V
  • Click Add or Upgrade Packages


  • Type in the Share or URL name and click Add. I set up a share called software which contains my Adobe App-V Package.
  • You must make sure you have added the App-V Server name e.g. dacvapp001$ to the Share and NTFS Permissions of the shared folder


  • and


  • Now add your package via UNC or HTTP Path
  • I also found instead of putting my server name, I could put localhost for the servername


  • If the package import is successful, you will see the below


  •  You will then be back to the main console showing you your added package


  • Underneath here you can see the following


  •  Click on AD Access and add the AD Groups you want to have access. As you can see I have just added my Administrators Group as this is a test lab
  • Now you need to right click on your App and select Publish


  • It should now say Published


  • Next… In order to stream the app to a client, we need to have the App V 5 Client installed on a VM so I have another VM where we will install this software as per below instructions
  • Attach the App V 5 ISO to your machine and click on APP-V Client 5 SP1


  •  The installer will start and will install any pre-requisites as per below


  • You are now ready to install the client
  • Follow the Install Wizard
  • You should then see the following screen when complete


  • Next Open PowerShell as an Administrator and type the following commands
  • Update-Help
  • Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
  • Import-Module “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Virtualization\Client\AppvClient\AppvClient.psd1”
  • Get-Command – module AppvClient


  • Add-AppVPublishingServer -name dacvapp001.dacmt.local -URL http://dacvapp001.dacmt.local:82
  • Set-AppVPublishingServer -ServerID 1 -GlobalRefreshEnabled 1 -GlobalRefreshOnLogon 1


  • Close PowerShell
  • Restart the Server
  • Open the AppvClient
  • Click Update and wait a few moments


  • Next Click Virtual Apps on this screen to check that your package is there


  • Click Download
  • Lo and Behold, if everything is ok then you should see the Adobe Reader icon on your desktop
  • Go and have a glass of wine phew! 😉



Microsoft App-V v5


What is Microsoft App-V?

Microsoft Application Virtualization is an application virtualization and application streaming solution from Microsoft

  • Allows applications to be deployed (“streamed”) in real-time to any client from a virtual application server
  • Removes the need for traditional local installation of the applications, although a standalone deployment method is also supported
  • The App-V stack sandboxes the execution environment so that an application does not make changes directly to the underlying operating system’s file system and/or Registry, but rather contained in an application-specific “bubble”
  • App-V applications are also sandboxed from each other, so that different versions of the same application can be run under App-V concurrently, and so that mutually exclusive applications can co-exist on the same system.
  • Supports policy based access control; administrators can define and restrict access to the applications by certain users by defining policies governing the usage.

App-V Deployment Options

Microsoft offers three deployment options. These three options are significantly different from an architectural standpoint: Dedicated App-V Management Server, Shared System Center Configuration Manager Architecture, and “Stand-alone” Mode wherein the application may be delivered manually.

Dedicated App-V management server

The App-V system architecture is composed of the following components:

  • ‘Microsoft Systems Center Virtual Application Server, also called App-V Application Server, which hosts virtualized application packages and streams them to the client computers for local execution. It also authorizes requesting clients and logs their application usage. Applications are converted to virtualized packages using the App-V Sequencer.
  • Microsoft Application Virtualization Client for Windows Desktops of MDOP) or Microsoft Application Virtualization Client for Remote Session Hosts (i.e. Terminal Services), which are generally called the App-V client, is the client side runtime which requests the application server to stream some application, receives the streamed virtual application packages, sets up the runtime environment and executes the applications locally.
  • App-V Management Console, the management tool to set up, administer and manage App-V servers. It can be used to define policies that govern the usage of the applications. It can also be used to create, manage, update and replicate virtualized application packages.
  • App-V Sequencer, a tool for preparing applications for virtualization.

Shared System Center Configuration Manager

In 2009 Microsoft offered a new way to implement App-V with enhancements to System Center Configuration Manager. System Center Configuration Manager Architecture consists of the following components:

  • System Center Configuration Manager Site Server, serving as the primary repository for holding system images, application packages created using traditional installers, and virtual applications.
  • System Center Configuration Manager Distribution Server, used to cache and distribute the software on a more local level.
  • Microsoft Application Virtualization Client for Windows Desktops of MDOP) or Microsoft Application Virtualization Client for Remote Session Hosts (i.e. Terminal Services), previously described.
  • App-V Sequencer, previously described.

“Stand-alone” mode

The App-V clients may also be used in a “stand-alone” mode without either of the server infrastructures previously described. In this case, the sequenced packages are delivered using an external technique, such as an Electronic Software Delivery system or manual deployment

Architecture Overview

A typical App-V 5.0 implementation consists of the following elements.


General Diagram of App-V Infrastructure


Microsoft Application Virtualization 5 Administrator’s Guide

Recommended Deployment Methods

The following list displays the recommended methods for installing the App-V 5.0 server infrastructure:

  • Install the App-V 5.0 server.
  • Install the database, reporting, and management features on separate computers. For more information
  • Use Electronic Software Distribution (ESD).
  • Install all server features on a single computer.

Installing the App-V 5.0 server

I am going to use my following test servers which are VMware Virtual Machines running on VMware vSphere 5.5.

  • 1 x Windows 2012 Server with SQL 2012, IIS 7.5 (Web Server role), Application Server role and Silverlight pre-installed which will also be my App-V 5 Server
  • 1 x Windows 2008 R2 AD server

IIS Settings

  • Common HTTP Features > Static Content
  • Common HTTP Features > Default Document
  • Application Development > ASP.NET
  • Application Development > .NET Extensibility
  • Application Development > ISAPI Extensions
  • Application Development > ISAPI Filters
  • Security > Windows Authentication
  • Security > Request Filtering
  • Management Tools > IIS Management Console

Run the following 2 commands to register ASP.NET with .NET 4 Framework in IIS

  1. “C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe” –ir
  2. “C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe” -ir


  • Copy the App-V 5.0 server installation files to the computer on which you want to install it on. To start the App-V 5.0 server installation right-click and run appv_server_setup.exe as an administrator. Click Install.


  • On the Getting Started page, review the license terms. To accept the license terms select I accept the license terms. Click Next.


  • On the Use Microsoft Update to help keep your computer secure and up-to-date page, to enable Microsoft updates, select Use Microsoft Update when I check for updates (recommended). To disable Microsoft updates, select I don’t want to use Microsoft Update. Click Next


  • On the Feature Selection page, select all five of the components


  • On the Installation Location page confirm the location where the selected components will be installed. You should accept the default. To change the location, type a new path on the Installation Location line. Click Next.


  • On the initial Create New Management Database page configure the Microsoft SQL Server instance and Management Server database
  • If you are using a custom Microsoft SQL Server instance, select Use the custom instance and type the name of the instance. For example, the format should be INSTANCENAME and the installation will assume it is on the local computer.
  • Specifying the server name using the following format ServerName\INSTANCE is not supported.
  • If you are using a custom database name, select Custom configuration. and type the database name.
  • Note: The database name provided must be unique. If an existing database name is specified the installation will fail.


  • On the Configure page, accept the default value: Use this local computer. Click Next.
  • Note: If you are installing the management server and management database side-by-side, options on this page are not available. In this scenario the appropriate options are selected by default and cannot be changed.


  • On the initial Create New Reporting Database page configure the Microsoft SQL Server instance and Reporting Server database
  • If you are using a custom Microsoft SQL Server instance, select Use the custom instance and type the name of the instance. For example, the format should be INSTANCENAME and the installation will assume it is on the local computer.
  • Note: Specifying the server name using the following format ServerName\ INSTANCE is not supported
  • If you are using a custom database name, select Custom configuration. and type the database name.
  • Note: The database name provided must be unique. If an existing database name is specified the installation will fail.


  • On the Configure page, accept the default value: Use this local computer. Click Next
  • Note: If you are installing the reporting server and reporting database side-by-side, options on this page are not available. In this scenario the appropriate options are selected by default and cannot be changed.


  • On the Configure (Management Server Configuration) page, type the AD Universal Security group with sufficient permissions to manage the App-V 5.0 environment.
  • Note: You can add additional users or groups using the management console after installation. However, global security groups and Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) distribution groups are not supported. You must use Domain local or Universal groups are required to perform this action.
  • On the Website name line specify the custom name that will be used to run the publishing service. If you do not have a custom name, do not make any changes.
  • For the Port binding, specify a unique port number that will be used by App-V 5.0, for example 12345. You should also ensure that the port specified is not being used by another website like the default IIS website using 80


  • On the Configure Publishing Server Configuration page, Specify the URL for the management service. This is the address the publishing server uses to connect to. For example, http://localhost:12345.
  • Specify the Website Name that you want to use for the Publishing Service. Leave the default unchanged if you do not have a custom name.
  • For the Port binding, specify a unique port number that will be used by App-V 5.0, for example 54321. You should also ensure that the port specified is not being used by another website.


  • On the Reporting Server page, Specify the Website Name that you want to use for the Reporting Service. Leave the default unchanged if you do not have a custom name
  • For the Port binding, specify a unique port number that will be used by App-V 5.0, for example 55555. You should also ensure that the port specified is not being used by another website.


  • On the Ready page, to start the installation, click Install.


  • On the Finished page, to close the wizard, click Close.
  • To confirm that setup completed successfully, open a web browser, and type the following URL: http://<Management server machine name>:<Management service port number>/Console.html. For example, http://localhost:12345/console.html. If the installation succeeded the App-V 5.0 management console will be displayed without any errors


  • And then you will see the following web console


The App-V Management Server has a Silverlight®-based management site, which enables administrator configuration of the App-V infrastructure from any computer. By using this site, administrators can add and remove applications, manipulate shortcuts, assign access permissions to users and groups, and create connection groups. The App-V Management Server is the communication conduit between the App-V Web Management Console and the SQL Server data store

Also in a test environment, you may want to change the following registry settings on your publishing server. By default the Publishing Server polls the App-V database for published applications every 10 minutes (600 seconds). This is called a publishing refresh. change the publishing refresh interval to 10 seconds to reduce wait times during publishing. Evaluation of the correct interval for a production environment is outside the scope of this blog.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppV\Server\PublishingService PUBLISHING_MGT_SERVER_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 600 (default setting in seconds) PUBLISHING_MGT_SERVER_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 10 (common value used for test environment)

Create and Share a Content folder

The content share is the central library of App-V packages. The content store contains the source files of the packages published by the App-V publishing server.

  1. Open Windows Explorer.
  2. Create a folder on the root of the C: drive named Content.

NOTE: In the production environment, the content folder should not be placed on the same drive as the operating system files as it can affect performance of the system. Ensure the use of a different drive in a production environment.

  1. Browse to C:\, right click the Content folder, go to Properties.
  2. Click the Sharing tab, click Advanced Sharing.
  3. Check Share this folder. Click Permissions
  4. Click Add. Click Object Types. Select Computers. Click OK.
  5. In the Enter the object names to select box, enter the name of the App-V management server. Select Full Control and Click OK.
  6. In the Enter the object names to select box, enter the name of the NETWORK SERVICE account. Click OK. Select Full Control and Click OK.
  7. In the Enter the object names to select box, enter the name of the App-V management server and the AppV Administrators group. Select Full Control and Click OK.
  8. Click OK, Click OK, Click Close

Configure Windows Firewall to Allow Incoming Connections

  1. Open Control Panel, open Windows Firewall
  2. Click Advanced Settings.
  3. Click Inbound Rules, in the actions pane click New Rule…
  4. Select Port, click Next
  5. Select TCP, in the Specific local ports: field, enter your 3 port numbers, click Next
  6.  Click Next, Unselect Private, and Public, click Next
  7. In the Name field, enter AppV Server Connections, click Finish


The next thing to do is to start installing and using the App-V 5 Sequencer and Microsoft Application Virtualization Desktop Client and/or the Microsoft Application Virtualization Remote Desktop Services (RDS) Client which I have covered in another blog. Please see below link