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VMware Technical Journal


The VMware Technical Journal is a new publication for the company. They are looking forward to producing future journal issues at regular intervals to highlight the R&D efforts taking place in several different areas of engineering. Their current issue includes papers related to distributed resource management, user experience monitoring, and statistics collection frameworks for virtualized environments, along with several other topics. In future issues theywill highlight other areas of VMware R&D, including Cloud Application Platform and End User Computing, and research collaborations with academic partners.


Storing a Virtual Machine Swapfile in a different location

By default, swapfiles for a virtual machine are located on a VMFS3 datastore in the folder that contains the other virtual machine files. However, you can configure your host to place virtual machine swapfiles on an alternative datastore.

Why move the Swapfiles?

  • Place virtual machine swapfiles on lower-cost storage
  • Place virtual machine swapfiles on higher-performance storage.
  • Place virtual machine swapfiles on non replicated storage
  • Moving the swap file to an alternate datastore is a useful troubleshooting step if the virtual machine or guest operating system is experiencing failures, including STOP errors, read only filesystems, and severe performance degradation issues during periods of high I/O.

vMotion Considerations

Note: Setting an alternative swapfile location might cause migrations with vMotion to complete more slowly. For best vMotion performance, store virtual machine swapfiles in the same directory as the virtual machine. If the swapfile location specified on the destination host differs from the swapfile location specified on the source host, the swapfile is copied to the new location which causes the slower migration. Copying host-swap local pages between source- and destination host is a disk-to-disk copy process, this is one of the reasons why VMotion takes longer when host-local swap is used.

Swapfile Moving Caveats

  • If vCenter Server manages your host, you cannot change the swapfile location if you connect directly to the host by using the vSphere Client. You must connect to the vCenter Server system.
  • Migrations with vMotion are not allowed unless the destination swapfile location is the same as the source swapfile location. In practice, this means that virtual machine swapfiles must be located with the virtual machine configuration file.
  • Using host-local swap can affect DRS load balancing and HA failover in certain situations. So when designing an environment using host-local swap, some areas must be focused on to guarantee HA and DRS functionality.


If DRS decide to rebalance the cluster, it will migrate virtual machines to low utilized hosts. VMkernel tries to create a new swap file on the destination host during the VMotion process. In some scenarios, the host might not contain any free space in the VMFS datastore and DRS will not be able to vMotion any virtual machine to that host because the lack of free space. But the host CPU active and host memory active metrics were still monitored by DRS to calculate the load standard deviation used for its recommendations to balance the cluster. The lack of disk space on the local VMFS datastores influences the effectiveness of DRS and limits the options for DRS to balance the cluster.

High availability failover

The same applies when a HA isolation response occurs, when not enough space is available to create the virtual machine swap files, no virtual machines are started on the host. If a host fails, the virtual machines will only power-up on host containing enough free space on their local VMFS datastores. It might be possible that virtual machines will not power-up at-all if not enough free disk space is available

Procedure (Cluster Modification)

  • Right click the cluster
  • Edit Settings
  • Click Swap File Location
  • Select Store the Swapfile in the Datastore specified by the Host

Procedure (Host Modification)

If the host is part of a cluster, and the cluster settings specify that swapfiles are to be stored in the same directory as the virtual machine, you cannot edit the swapfile location from the host configuration tab. To change the swapfile location for such a host, use the Cluster Settings dialog box.


  • Click the Inventory button in the navigation bar, expand the inventory as needed, and click the appropriate managed host.
  • Click the Configuration tab to display configuration information for the host.
  • Click the Virtual Machine Swapfile Location link.
  • The Configuration tab displays the selected swapfile location. If configuration of the swapfile location is not supported on the selected host, the tab indicates that the feature is not supported.
  • Click Edit.
  • Select either Store the swapfile in the same directory as the virtual machine or Store the swapfile in a swapfile datastore selected below.
  • If you select Store the swapfile in a swapfile datastore selected below, select a datastore from the list.
  • Click OK.
  • The virtual machine swapfile is stored in the location you selected.


vBrownBags are a series of online webinars held using GotoMeeting and covering various Virtualization & VMware Certification topics.

Train Signal Training Videos

Useful site for all educational IT Training videos

ESXTOP Troubleshooting Overview Chart

Really useful ESXTOP Overview Chart of Performance Statistics courtesy of

VMware Resource Management (Memory)

VMware® ESX(i)™ is a hypervisor designed to efficiently manage hardware resources including CPU, memory, storage, and network among multiple, concurrent virtual machines.

Memory Overcommittment

The concept of memory overcommitment is fairly simple: host memory is overcommitted when the total amount of guest physical memory of the running virtual machines is larger than the amount of actual host memory. ESX supports memory overcommitment from the very first version, due to two important benefits it provides:

  • Higher memory utilization: With memory overcommitment, ESX ensures that host memory is consumed by active guest memory as much as possible. Typically, some virtual machines may be lightly loaded compared to others. Their memory may be used infrequently, so for much of the time their memory will sit idle. Memory overcommitment allows the hypervisor to use memory reclamation techniques to take the inactive or unused host physical memory away from the idle virtual machines and give it to other virtual machines that will actively use it.
  • Higher consolidation ratio: With memory overcommitment, each virtual machine has a smaller footprint in host memory usage, making it possible to fit more virtual machines on the host while still achieving good performance for all virtual machines. For example, as shown in Figure 3, you can enable a host with 4G host physical memory to run three virtual machines with 2G guest physical memory each. Without memory overcommitment, only one virtual machine can be run because the hypervisor cannot reserve host memory for more than one virtual machine, considering that each virtual machine has overhead memory.

ESX uses several innovative techniques to reclaim virtual machine memory, which are:

  • Transparent page sharing (TPS)
  • Reclaims memory by removing redundant pages with identical content
  • Ballooning
  • Reclaims memory by artificially increasing the memory pressure inside the guest
  • Hypervisor/Host swapping
  • Reclaims memory by having ESX directly swap out the virtual machine’s memory
  • Memory compression
  • Reclaims memory by compressing the pages that need to be swapped out

Transparent Page Sharing

When multiple virtual machines are running, some of them may have identical sets of memory content. This presents opportunities for sharing memory across virtual machines (as well as sharing within a single virtual machine). For example, several virtual machines may be running the same guest operating system, have the same applications, or contain the same user data. With page sharing, the hypervisor can reclaim the redundant copies and keep only one copy, which is shared by multiple virtual machines in the host physical memory. As a result, the total virtual machine host memory consumption is reduced and a higher level of memory overcommitment is possible.
In ESX, the redundant page copies are identified by their contents. This means that pages with identical content can be shared regardless of when, where, and how those contents are generated. ESX scans the content of guest physical memory for sharing opportunities. Instead of comparing each byte of a candidate guest physical page to other pages, an action that is prohibitively expensive, ESX uses hashing to identify potentially identical pages.

A hash value is generated based on the candidate guest physical page’s content. The hash value is then used as a key to look up a global hash table, in which each entry records a hash value and the physical page number of a shared page. If the hash value of the candidate guest physical page matches an existing entry, a full comparison of the page contents is performed to exclude a false match. Once the candidate guest physical page’s content is confirmed to match the content of an existing shared host physical page, the guest physical to host physical mapping of the candidate guest physical page is changed to the shared host physical page, and the redundant host memory copy (the page pointed to by the dashed arrow in the Figure above) is reclaimed. This remapping is invisible to the virtual machine and inaccessible to the guest operating system. Because of this invisibility, sensitive information cannot be leaked from one virtual machine to another.

A standard copy-on-write (CoW) technique is used to handle writes to the shared host physical pages. Any attempt to write to the shared pages will generate a minor page fault. In the page fault handler, the hypervisor will transparently create a private copy of the page for the virtual machine and remap the affected guest physical page to this private copy. In this way, virtual machines can safely modify the shared pages without disrupting other virtual machines sharing that memory. Note that writing to a shared page does incur overhead compared to writing to non-shared pages due to the extra work performed in the page fault handler.
In VMware ESX, the hypervisor scans the guest physical pages randomly with a base scan rate specified by Mem.ShareScanTime, which specifies the desired time to scan the virtual machine’s entire guest memory. The maximum number of scanned pages per second in the host and the maximum number of per-virtual machine scanned pages, (that is, Mem.ShareScanGHz and Mem.ShareRateMax respectively) can also be specified in ESX advanced settings. An example is shown in the Figure below

The default values of these three parameters are carefully chosen to provide sufficient sharing opportunities while keeping the CPU overhead negligible. In fact, ESX intelligently adjusts the page scan rate based on the amount of current shared pages. If the virtual machine’s page sharing opportunity seems to be low, the page scan rate will be reduced accordingly and vice versa. This optimization further mitigates the overhead of page sharing.
In hardware-assisted memory virtualization (for example, Intel EPT Hardware Assist and AMD RVI Hardware Assist systems, ESX will automatically back guest physical pages with large host physical pages (2MB contiguous memory region instead of 4KB for regular pages) for better performance due to less TLB misses. In such systems, ESX will not share those large pages because: 1) the probability of finding two large pages having identical contents is low, and 2) the overhead of doing a bit-by-bit comparison for a 2MB page is much larger than for a 4KB page. However, ESX still generates hashes for the 4KB pages within each large page. Since ESX will not swap out large pages, during host swapping, the large page will be broken into small pages so that these pre-generated hashes can be used to share the small pages before they are swapped out. In short, we may not observe any page sharing for hardware-assisted memory virtualization systems until host memory is overcommitted.


Ballooning is a completely different memory reclamation technique compared to transparent page sharing. Before describing the technique, it is helpful to review why the hypervisor needs to reclaim memory from virtual machines. Due to the virtual machine’s isolation, the guest operating system is not aware that it is running inside a virtual machine and is not aware of the states of other virtual machines on the same host. When the hypervisor runs multiple virtual machines and the total amount of the free host memory becomes low, none of the virtual machines will free guest physical memory because the guest operating system cannot detect the host’s memory shortage. Ballooning makes the guest operating system aware of the low memory status of the host.

In ESX, a balloon driver is loaded into the guest operating system as a pseudo-device driver.
VMware Tools must be installed in order to enable ballooning. This is recommended for all workloads. It has no external interfaces to the guest operating system and communicates with the hypervisor through a private channel. The balloon driver polls the hypervisor to obtain a target balloon size. If the hypervisor needs to reclaim virtual machine memory, it sets a proper target balloon size for the balloon driver, making it “inflate” by allocating guest physical pages within the virtual machine. The figure below illustrates the process of the balloon inflating

In the figure below, four guest physical pages are mapped in the host physical memory. Two of the pages are used by the guest application and the other two pages (marked by stars) are in the guest operating system free list. Note that since the hypervisor cannot identify the two pages in the guest free list, it cannot reclaim the host physical pages that are backing them. Assuming the hypervisor needs to reclaim two pages from the virtual machine, it will set the target balloon size to two pages. After obtaining the target balloon size, the balloon driver allocates two guest physical pages inside the virtual machine and pins them, as shown in Figure b. Here, “pinning” is achieved through the guest operating system interface, which ensures that the pinned pages cannot be paged out to disk under any circumstances. Once the memory is allocated, the balloon driver notifies the hypervisor about the page numbers of the pinned guest physical memory so that the hypervisor can reclaim the host physical pages that are backing them. In Figure b, dashed arrows point at these pages. The hypervisor can safely reclaim this host physical memory because neither the balloon driver nor the guest operating system relies on the contents of these pages. This means that no processes in the virtual machine will intentionally access those pages to read/write any values. Thus, the hypervisor does not need to allocate host physical memory to store the page contents. If any of these pages are re-accessed by the virtual machine for some reason, the hypervisor will treat it as a normal virtual machine memory allocation and allocate a new host physical page for the virtual machine. When the hypervisor decides to deflate the balloon—by setting a smaller target balloon size—the balloon driver deallocates the pinned guest physical memory, which releases it for the guest’s applications.

Typically, the hypervisor inflates the virtual machine balloon when it is under memory pressure. By inflating the balloon, a virtual machine consumes less physical memory on the host, but more physical memory inside the guest. As a result, the hypervisor offloads some of its memory overload to the guest operating system while slightly loading the virtual machine. That is, the hypervisor transfers the memory pressure from the host to the virtual machine. Ballooning induces guest memory pressure. In response, the balloon driver allocates and pins guest physical memory. The guest operating system determines if it needs to page out guest physical memory to satisfy the balloon driver’s allocation requests. If the virtual machine has plenty of free guest physical memory, inflating the balloon will induce no paging and will not impact guest performance. In this case, as illustrated in the figure, the balloon driver allocates the free guest physical memory from the guest free list. Hence, guest-level paging is not necessary. However, if the guest is already under memory pressure, the guest operating system decides which guest physical pages to be paged out to the virtual swap device in order to satisfy the balloon driver’s allocation requests. The genius of ballooning is that it allows the guest operating system to intelligently make the hard decision about which pages to be paged out without the hypervisor’s involvement.

Hypervisor/Host Swapping

In the cases where ballooning and transparent page sharing are not sufficient to reclaim memory, ESX employs hypervisor swapping to reclaim memory. At virtual machine startup, the hypervisor creates a separate swap file for the virtual machine. Then, if necessary, the hypervisor can directly swap out guest physical memory to the swap file, which frees host physical memory for other virtual machines.
Besides the limitation on the reclaimed memory size, both page sharing and ballooning take time to reclaim memory. The page-sharing speed depends on the page scan rate and the sharing opportunity. Ballooning speed relies on the guest operating system’s response time for memory allocation.
In contrast, hypervisor swapping is a guaranteed technique to reclaim a specific amount of memory within a specific amount of time. However, hypervisor swapping is used as a last resort to reclaim memory from the virtual machine due to the following limitations on performance:

  • Page selection problems: Under certain circumstances, hypervisor swapping may severely penalize guest performance. This occurs when the hypervisor has no knowledge about which guest physical pages should be swapped out, and the swapping may cause unintended interactions with the native memory management policies in the guest operating system.
  • Double paging problems: Another known issue is the double paging problem. Assuming the hypervisor swaps out a guest physical page, it is possible that the guest operating system pages out the same physical page, if the guest is also under memory pressure. This causes the page to be swapped in from the hypervisor swap device and immediately to be paged out to the virtual machine’s virtual swap device.

Page selection and double-paging problems exist because the information needed to avoid them is not available to the hypervisor.

  • High swap-in latency: Swapping in pages is expensive for a VM. If the hypervisor swaps out a guest page and the guest subsequently accesses that page, the VM will get blocked until the page is swapped in from disk. High swap-in latency, which can be tens of milliseconds, can severely degrade guest performance.

ESX mitigates the impact of interacting with guest operating system memory management by randomly selecting the swapped guest physical pages.

Memory Compression

The idea of memory compression is very straightforward: if the swapped out pages can be compressed and stored in a compression cache located in the main memory, the next access to the page only causes a page decompression which can be an order of magnitude faster than the disk access. With memory compression, only a few uncompressible pages need to be swapped out if the compression cache is not full. This means the number of future synchronous swap-in operations will be reduced. Hence, it may improve application performance significantly when the host is in heavy memory pressure. In ESX 4.1, only the swap candidate pages will be compressed. This means ESX will not proactively compress guest pages when host swapping is not necessary. In other words, memory compression does not affect workload performance when host memory is undercommitted.

Reclaiming Memory through Compression

Figure a,b and c illustrates how memory compression reclaims host memory compared to host swapping. Assuming ESX needs to reclaim two 4KB physical pages from a VM through host swapping, page A and B are the selected pages (Figure a,b,c). With host swapping only, these two pages will be directly swapped to disk and two physical pages are reclaimed (Figure b). However, with memory compression, each swap candidate page will be compressed and stored using 2KB of space in a per-VM compression cache. Note that page compression would be much faster than the normal page swap out operation which involves a disk I/O. Page compression will fail if the compression ratio is less than 50% and the uncompressible pages will be swapped out. As a result, every successful page compression is accounted for reclaiming 2KB of physical memory. As illustrated in Figure c, pages A and B are compressed and stored as half-pages in the compression cache. Although both pages are removed from VM guest memory, the actual reclaimed memory size is one page.

If any of the subsequent memory access misses in the VM guest memory, the compression cache will be checked first using the host physical page number. If the page is found in the compression cache, it will be decompressed and push back to the guest memory. This page is then removed from the compression cache. Otherwise, the memory request is sent to the host swap device and the VM is blocked.

Managing Per-VM Compression Cache

The per-VM compression cache is accounted for by the VM’s guest memory usage, which means ESX will not allocate additional host physical memory to store the compressed pages. The compression cache is transparent to the guest OS. Its size starts with zero when host memory is undercommitted and grows when virtual machine memory starts to be swapped out.
If the compression cache is full, one compressed page must be replaced in order to make room for a new compressed page. An age-based replacement policy is used to choose the target page. The target page will be decompressed and swapped out. ESX will not swap out compressed pages.
If the pages belonging to compression cache need to be swapped out under severe memory pressure, the compression cache size is reduced and the affected compressed pages are decompressed and swapped out.
The maximum compression cache size is important for maintaining good VM performance. If the upper bound is too small, a lot of replaced compressed pages must be decompressed and swapped out. Any following swap-ins of those pages will hurt VM performance. However, since compression cache is accounted for by the VM’s guest memory usage, a very large compression cache may waste VM memory and unnecessarily create VM memory pressure especially when most compressed pages would not be touched in the future. In ESX 4.1, the default maximum compression cache size is conservatively set to 10% of configured VM memory size. This value can be changed through the vSphere Client in Advanced Settings by changing the value for Mem.MemZipMaxPct.

When to reclaim Memory

ESX maintains four host free memory states: high, soft, hard, and low, which are reflected by four thresholds: 6%, 4%, 2%, and 1% of host memory respectively. Figure 8 shows how the host free memory state is reported in esxtop.
By default, ESX enables page sharing since it opportunistically “frees” host memory with little overhead. When to use ballooning or swapping (which activates memory compression) to reclaim host memory is largely determined by the current host free memory state.

In the high state, the aggregate virtual machine guest memory usage is smaller than the host memory size. Whether or not host memory is overcommitted, the hypervisor will not reclaim memory through ballooning or swapping. (This is true only when the virtual machine memory limit is not set.)
If host free memory drops towards the soft threshold, the hypervisor starts to reclaim memory using ballooning. Ballooning happens before free memory actually reaches the soft threshold because it takes time for the balloon driver to allocate and pin guest physical memory. Usually, the balloon driver is able to reclaim memory in a timely fashion so that the host free memory stays above the soft threshold.
If ballooning is not sufficient to reclaim memory or the host free memory drops towards the hard threshold, the hypervisor starts to use swapping in addition to using ballooning. During swapping, memory compression is activated as well. With host swapping and memory compression, the hypervisor should be able to quickly reclaim memory and bring the host memory state back to the soft state.
In a rare case where host free memory drops below the low threshold, the hypervisor continues to reclaim memory through swapping and memory compression, and additionally blocks the execution of all virtual machines that consume more memory than their target memory allocations.
In certain scenarios, host memory reclamation happens regardless of the current host free memory state. For example, even if host free memory is in the high state, memory reclamation is still mandatory when a virtual machine’s memory usage exceeds its specified memory limit. If this happens, the hypervisor will employ ballooning and, if necessary, swapping and memory compression to reclaim memory from the virtual machine until the virtual machine’s host memory usage falls back to its specified limit

VMware vSphere 5 Memory Management and Monitoring diagram

The diagram from this KB is fantastic for showing the interoperability between Memory Management Techniques


What is Pluggable Storage Architecture (PSA) and Native Multipathing (NMP)?

Pluggable Storage Architecture

To manage storage multipathing, ESX/ESXi uses a special VMkernel layer which sits in the SCSI middle layer of the VMKernel I/O Stack, Pluggable Storage Architecture (PSA). The PSA is an open modular framework that coordinates the simultaneous operation of multiple multipathing plugins (MPPs). PSA is a collection of VMkernel APIs that allow third party hardware vendors to insert code directly into the ESX storage I/O path. This allows 3rd party software developers to design their own load balancing techniques and failover mechanisms for particular storage array. The PSA coordinates the operation of the NMP and any additional 3rd party MPP

What does PSA do?

  • Load and unload multipathing plug-ins
  • Uses predefined claim rules to assign each device to an MPP (One claim rule per device)
  • Handle physical path discovery and removal (through scanning)
  • Route I/O requests for a specific logical device to an appropriate multipathing plug-in
  • Handle I/O queuing to the physical storage HBAs and to the logical devices
  • Implement logical device bandwidth sharing between virtual machines
  • Provide logical device and physical path I/O statistics

Native Multipathing Plugin

The VMkernel multipathing plugin that ESX/ESXi provides, by default, is the VMware Native Multipathing Plugin (NMP). The NMP is an extensible module that manages subplugins. There are two types of NMP subplugins: Storage Array Type Plugins (SATPs), and Path Selection Plugins (PSPs). SATPs and PSPs can be built-in and provided by VMware, or can be provided by a third party.If more multipathing functionality is required, a third party can also provide an MPP to run in addition to, or as a replacement for, the default NMP.

VMware provides a generic Multipathing Plugin (MPP) called Native Multipathing Plugin (NMP) which supports all storage arrays on the Compatibility list

A single MPP can support multiple SATPs and PSPs. If a storage vendor has not supplied an MPP, SATP or PSP, VMware will use its own assigned by default


What does NMP do?

  1. Manages physical path claiming and unclaiming.
  2. Registers and de-registers logical devices
  3. Associates physical paths with logical devices.
  4. Processes I/O requests to logical devices
  5. Selects an optimal physical path for the request (load balance)
  6. Performs actions necessary to handle failures and request retries.
  7. Supports management tasks such as abort or reset of logical devices.

How it works

The ESX kernel (VMkernel) goes down through three layers when communicating with storage:

  1. In the top layer, VMware native NMP or third-party MPP software decides which SATP to use, or whether to use the native interface.
  2. The SATP layer includes native generic path selection (active/active, active/passive), standard ALUA, as well as allowing third-party plugins (SATP) to override its behavior. The SATP monitors these paths, reports changes, and initiates fail-over on the array as needed.
  3. At the PSP layer, software decides which physical channel to use for I/O requests.

In more detail

  • NMP assigns a SATP to every physical path to the logical device (datastore)
  • NMP associates paths to logical devices
  • NMP decides which PSP to use with the logical device.
  • The VM tells NMP an I/O is ready to send.
  • I/O is issued.
  • PSP is selected. Load-balances if applicable.
  • I/O is sent to  device.
  • Success:Device driver (Storage array) indicates I/O is complete. Failure: NMP calls appropriate SATP.
  • Success: NMP tells PSP I/O is complete. Failure: SATP interprets error codes and fails over to inactive paths.
  • Failure: PSP is called again to select which path to use for I/O excluding the failed path.
  • PSP checks every 300 seconds if the path is active again. SATP is responsible for doing the failover.

PSA Plugins

There are three types of PSA plugins for vSphere 4:

  1. Storage Array Type Plug-In (SATP)
  2. Path Selection Plug-in (PSP)
  3. A complete third-party multipathing software stack (MPP)

As is the case with VAAI, VMware includes a number of third-party plug-ins in the ESXi install. Users can simply activate many of these according to their needs, though some require additional fees and licensing.

SATP Plugins

SATPs allow load balancing across multiple paths, intelligent path selection, and over troubled conditions such as “chatter”, when passed rapidly fail back and forth between controllers.

The SATP has critical tasks to perform in the PSA stack:

  1. Decide which method of communication to use with the storage (PSA or native)
  2. Monitor the health of the physical I/O channels or paths
  3. Report any changes in the state of the paths up the stack
  4. Perform actions required to fail over storage between controllers on the array

VMware vSphere includes a variety of generic SATP plugins for storage arrays.

  • VMW_SATP_LOCAL – Local SATP for direct-attached devices
  • VMW_SATP_DEFAULT_AA – Generic for active/active arrays
  • VMW_SATP_DEFAULT_AP – Generic for active/passive arrays
  • VMW_SATP_ALUA – Asymmetric Logical Unit Access-compliant arrays
  • VMW_SATP_LSI – LSI/NetApp arrays from Dell, HDS, IBM, Oracle, SGI
  • VMW_SATP_SVC – IBM SVC-based systems (SVC, V7000, Actifio)
  • VVMW_SATP_SYMM – EMC Symmetrix DMX-3/DMX-4/VMAX, Invista
  • MW_SATP_CX – EMC/Dell CLARiiON  and Celerra (also VMW_SATP_ALUA_CX)
  • VMW_SATP_INV – EMC Invista and VPLEX
  • VMW_SATP_EQL – Dell EqualLogic systems

You can see which SATP plug-ins are available using the following esxcli command:

esxcli storage nmp satp list

PSP Plugins

In contrast to the diversity of VAAI and SATP plug-ins, the universe of path selection plug-ins is fairly small. Most storage arrays are supported with either Most Recently Used (MRU) or Fixed path selection approaches. Many also support Round Robin (RR) path selection. The only vendor with a specific PSP that is not also part of a full MPP (like EMC PowerPath or HDS HDLM) is Dell, which offers a special routed path selection plug-in for the EqualLogic iSCSI arrays.

  • VMW_PSP_MRU – Most-Recently Used (MRU) – Supports hundreds of storage arrays
  • VMW_PSP_FIXED – Fixed – Supports hundreds of storage arrays
  • VMW_PSP_RR – Round-Robin – Supports dozens of storage arrays
  • DELL_PSP_EQL_ROUTED – Dell EqualLogic iSCSI arrays

You can view the Path Polices in vCenter

  • Click on the Host
  • Click Configuration
  • Click Storage
  • Click on a Datastore and click Properties
  • Click Manage paths and you should see the below


Array Types

  • Active /Active arrays use Fixed PSP Plugins
  • Active/Passive arrays use Most Recently Used PSP Plugins

ESXCLI Commands

  • esxcli storage nmp psp list


  • esxcli nmp satp list


  • esxcli storage core claimrule list


  • esxcli storage nmp device list


VMware Netflow Monitoring

What is Netflow?

It’s a Cisco protocol that was developed for analysing network traffic. It has become an industry standard spec for collecting types of network data for monitoring and reporting. Data sources being switches and routers etc

  • A network Analysis Tool for monitoring the network and for gaining visibility into VM Traffic
  • A tool that can be used for profiling, intrusion detection, networking forensics and compliance
  • Supported on Distributed Virtual Switches in vSphere 5
  • Sarbanes Oxley compliance
  • Not really for packet sniffing,more for profiling the top 10 network flows etc

How is it implemented?

It is implemented in vSphere 5 dvSwitches

What types of flow does Netflow capture?

  • Internal Flow. Represents intrahost virtual machine traffic. Traffic between VM’s on the same host
  • External Flow. Represents interhost virtual machine traffic and physical machine to virtual machine traffic. Traffic between VM’s on different hosts or VM’s on different switches

What is a flow?

A flow is a sequence of packets that share the same 7 properties

  1. Source IP Address
  2. Destination IP Address
  3. Source Port
  4. Destination Port
  5. Input Interface ID
  6. Output interface ID
  7. Protocol


A flow is unidirectional. Flows are processed and stored as flow records by supported network devices such as dvSwitches. The flow records are then sent to a NetFlow Collector for additional analysis.

Although efficient, NetFlow can put an additional strain on your network or the dvSwitch as it requires extra processing and additional storage on the host for the flow records to be processed and exported.

Third Party NetFlow Collectors – What do they do?

Third Party vendors have NetFlow Collector Products which can include the following features

  • Accepts and stores network flow records
  • Includes a storage system for long term storage on flow based data
  • Mines, aggregates and reports on the collected data
  • Customised user interface (Web based usually)


The Netflow Collector reports on various kinds of networking information including

  1. Top network or bandwidth flows
  2. The IP Addresses which are behaving irregularly
  3. The number of bytes a VM has sent and received in the past 24 hours
  4. Unexpected application traffic

Configuring Netflow

  1. Go to Networking Inventory View
  2. Select dvSwitch and Edit Settings
  3. Click Netflow tab to see the box above

Description of options

  • Collector IP Address and Port

The IP Address and Port number used to communicate with the Netflow collector system. These fields must be set for Netflow Monitoring to be enabled for the dvSwitch or for any port or port group on the dvSwitch

  • VDS IP Address

An optional IP Address which is used to identify the source of the network flow to the NetFlow collector. The IP Address is not associated with a network port and it does not need to be pingable. This IP Address is used to fill the Source IP of the NetFlow packets. This IP Address allows the Netflow collector to interact with the dvSwitch as a single switch, rather than seeing a separate unrelated switch for each associated host. If this is not configured, the hosts management address is used instead.

  • Active flow export timeout

The number of seconds after which active flows (flows where packets are sent) are forced to be exported to the NetFlow collector. The default is 300 and can range from 0-3600

  • Idle flow export timeout

The The number of seconds after which idle flows (flows where no packets have been seen for x number of seconds) are forced to be exported to the collector.The default is 15 and can range from 0-300

  • Sampling Rate

The value that is used to determine what portion of data that Netflow collects. If the sampling rate is 2, it collects every other packet. If the rate is 5, the data is collected form every 5th packet. 0 counts every packet

  • Process internal flows only

Indicates whether to limit analysis to traffic that has both the source and destination virtual machine on the same host. By default the checkbox is not selected which means internal and external flows are processed. You might select this checkbox if you already have NetFlow deployed in your datacenter and you want to only see the floes that cannot be seen by your existing NetFlow collector.

After configuring Netflow on the dvSwitch, you can then enable NetFlow monitoring on a distributed Port Group or an uplink.

Virtual Disk Formats

The distinguishing factor among virtual disk formats is how data is zeroed out for the boundary of the virtual disk file. Zeroing out can be done either at run time (when the write happens to that area of the disk) or at the disk’s creation time.

There are three main virtual disk formats within VMware vSphere

  1. Zeroedthick (Lazy)
  2. Eagerzeroedthick.
  3. Thin

1. Zeroedthick – The “zeroedthick” format is the default and quickly creates a “flat” virtual disk file. The Zeroed Thick option is the pre-allocation of the entire boundary of the VMDK disk when it is created. This is the traditional fully provisioned disk format. In the vSphere Client, this is the default option. The virtual disk is allocated all of its provisioned space and immediately made accessible to the virtual machine.  A lazy zeroed disk is not zeroed up front which makes the provisioning very fast. However, because each block is zeroed out before it is written to for the first time there is added latency on first write.

2. Eagerzeroed  -This pre-allocates the disk space as well as each block of the file being pre-zeroed within the VMDK. Because of the increased I/O requirement, this requires additional time to write out the VMDK but eliminates the zeroing later on . Finally, the “eagerzeroedthick” format is used/required by VMware’s new Fault Tolerance (FT) feature

3. Thin – The thin virtual disk format is perhaps the easier option to understand. This is simply an as-used consumption model. This disk format is not pre-written to disk and is not zeroed out until run time

Performance Differences

So, why is this important? For one, there may be a perceived performance implication of having the disks thin provisioned. The thin provisioning white paper by VMware explains with more detail how each of these formats are used, as well as a quantification of the performance differences of eager zeroed thick and other formats. The white paper states that the performance impact is negligible for thin provisioning, and in all situations the results are nearly indistinguishable.