Archive for May 2012

VMware vApps

What is a vApp?

You can use VMware vSphere as a platform for running applications, in addition to using it as a platform for running virtual machines. The applications can be packaged to run directly on top of VMware vSphere. The format of how the applications are packaged and managed is called vSphere vApp.
A vApp is a container, like a resource pool and can contain one or more virtual machines. A vApp also shares some functionality with virtual machines. A vApp can power on and power off, and can also be cloned.
In the vSphere Client, a vApp is represented in both the Host and Clusters view and the VM and Template view. Each view has a specific summary page with the current status of the service and relevant summary information, as well as operations on the service.

A vApp is basically a resource container for multiple virtual machines that work together as part of a multi-tier application.

The three applications on each server all work together and are mostly dependent on each other for the application to function properly. If one part of the tier became unavailable, the application will typically quit working as it relies on all the tiers for the application to work.

Virtualization can introduce some challenges with multi-tier applications. For example, if one tier is performing poorly due to resource constraints on a host, then the whole application will suffer as a result. Another challenge comes when powering on a host server, as often times one tier relies on another tier to be started first or the application will fail.

VMware introduced vApps as a method to deal with these problems by providing methods for setting power-on options, IP address allocation and resource allocation, and provide application-level customization for all the virtual machines in the vApp. When you configure a vApp in vSphere you specify properties for it, including CPU and memory resources, IP allocation, application information, and start order.

Distribution Format

The distribution format for vApp is OVF.


The vApp metadata resides in the vCenter Server’s database, so a vApp can be distributed across multiple ESXi hosts. This information can be lost if the vCenter Server database is cleared or if a standalone ESXi host that contains a vApp is removed from vCenter Server. You should back up vApps to an OVF package to avoid losing any metadata.
vApp metadata for virtual machines within vApps do not follow the snapshots semantics for virtual machine configuration. So, vApp properties that are deleted, modified, or defined after a snapshot is taken remain intact (deleted, modified, or defined) after the virtual machine reverts to that snapshot or any prior snapshots.

Where can you create a vApp?

After you create a datacenter and add a clustered host enabled with DRS or a standalone host to your vCenter Server system, you can create a vApp.

You can create a vApp under the following conditions.

  • A standalone host is selected in the inventory that is running ESX 3.0 or greater.
  • A cluster enabled with DRS is selected in the inventory.
  • You can create vApps on folders, standalone hosts, resource pools, clusters enabled with DRS, and within other vApps.

Creating a vApp

  • Right click on a cluster or a host and select New vApp

  • Put in a name and select the Inventory location
  • Click Next

  • Adjust resources accordingly and click Next and Finish

Once you are done configuring a vApp, you can add virtual machines (VMs) to it by dragging them using the vSphere client. You can also create resource pools inside of them and nest vApps inside of vApps. If you edit the settings of a VM, select the Options tab, and then select vApp Options, you can enable the vApp functionality for the VM and set individual vApp options for the VM. Once you have created a vApp you can easily export it in Open Virtualization Format (OVF) format, as well as deploy new vApps from one that are already created

  • Go to the vApp in the Hosts and Clusters View and select Edit Settings. You can edit the CPU and memory resource allocation for the vApp

  • Click on Start Order. You can change the order in which virtual machines and nested vApps within a vApp start up and shut down. You can also specify delays and actions performed at startup and shutdown

  • Click on Properties. You can edit any vApp property that is defined in Advanced Property Configuration

  • Click on IP Allocation Policy. You can edit how IP addresses are allocated for the vApp.

Fixed = IP addresses are manually configured. No automatic allocation is performed

Transient = IP addresses are automatically allocated using IP pools from a specified range when the vApp is powered on. The IP addresses are released when the appliance is powered off.

DHCP = A DHCP server is used to allocate the IP addresses. The addresses assigned by the DHCP server are visible in the OVF environments of virtual machines started in the vApp.

  • Click on Advanced. You can edit and configure advanced settings, such as product and vendor information, custom properties, and IP allocation



Enabling Host Monitoring in HA Clusters

VMware HA clusters enable a collection of ESX/ESXi hosts to work together so that, as a group, they provide higher levels of availability for virtual machines than each ESX/ESXi host could provide individually. When you plan the creation and usage of a new VMware HA cluster, the options you select affect the way that cluster responds to failures of hosts or virtual machines.
Before creating a VMware HA cluster, you should be aware of how VMware HA identifies host failures andisolation and responds to these situations. You also should know how admission control works so that you can choose the policy that best fits your failover needs. After a cluster has been established, you can customize its behavior with advanced attributes and optimize its performance by following recommended best practices.

How VMware HA works

VMware HA provides high availability for virtual machines by pooling them and the hosts they reside on into a cluster. Hosts in the cluster are monitored and in the event of a failure, the virtual machines on a failed host are restarted on alternate hosts.

Primary and Secondary Hosts in a VMware HA Cluster

When you add a host to a VMware HA cluster, an agent is uploaded to the host and configured to communicate with other agents in the cluster. The first five hosts added to the cluster are designated as primary hosts, and all subsequent hosts are designated as secondary hosts. The primary hosts maintain and replicate all cluster state and are used to initiate failover actions. If a primary host is removed from the cluster, VMware HA promotes another host to primary status.
Any host that joins the cluster must communicate with an existing primary host to complete its configuration (except when you are adding the first host to the cluster). At least one primary host must be functional for VMware HA to operate correctly. If all primary hosts are unavailable (not responding), no hosts can be successfully configured for VMware HA.

Failure Detection and Host Network Isolation

Agents communicate with each other and monitor the liveness of the hosts in the cluster. This is done through the exchange of heartbeats, by default, every second. If a 15-second period elapses without the receipt of heartbeats from a host, and the host cannot be pinged, it is declared as failed. In the event of a host failure, the virtual machines running on that host are failed over, that is, restarted on the alternate hosts with the most available unreserved capacity (CPU and memory.)

Note: In the event of a host failure, VMware HA does not fail over any virtual machines to a host that is in maintenance mode, because such a host is not considered when VMware HA computes the current failover level. When a host exits maintenance mode, the VMware HA service is re-enabled on that host, so it becomes available for failover again.

Host network isolation occurs when a host is still running, but it can no longer communicate with other hosts in the cluster. With default settings, if a host stops receiving heartbeats from all other hosts in the cluster for more than 12 seconds, it attempts to ping its isolation addresses. If this also fails, the host declares itself as isolated from the network.
When the isolated host’s network connection is not restored for 15 seconds or longer, the other hosts in the cluster treat it as failed and attempt to fail over its virtual machines. However, when an isolated host retains access to the shared storage it also retains the disk lock on virtual machine files. To avoid potential data corruption, VMFS disk locking prevents simultaneous write operations to the virtual machine disk files and attempts to fail over the isolated host’s virtual machines fail. By default, the isolated host shuts down its virtual
machines, but you can change the host isolation response to Leave powered on or Power off

Redundancy and Reducing Isolation

If you ensure that your network infrastructure is sufficiently redundant and that at least one network path is available at all times, host network isolation should be a rare occurrence.

Which setting should I use?

  • Shutdown

It depends. Some people prefer “Shut down” because they do not want to use a deprecated host and it will shut down your VMs in a clean manner.

The isolation response is a setting that needs to be taken into account when you create your design. For instance when using an iSCSI array or NFS choosing “leave powered on” as your default isolation response might lead to a split-brain situation depending on the version of ESX used. The reason for this being that the disk lock times out if the iSCSI network is also unavailable. In this case the VM is being restarted on a different host while it is not being powered off on the original host. In a normal situation this should not lead to problems as the VM is restarted and the host on which it runs owns the lock on the VMDK, but for some weird reason when disaster strikes you will not end up in a normal situation but you might end up in an exceptional situation

  • Leave Powered On

Many people prefer to use “Leave powered on” because it reduces the chances of a false positive. A false positive in this case is an isolated heartbeat network but a non-isolated VM network and a non-isolated iSCSI / NFS network.

How does HA knows if the host is isolated or completely unavailable when you have selected “leave powered on”?

HA actually does not know the difference. HA will try to restart the affected VMs in both cases. When the host has failed a restart will take place, but if a host is merely isolated the non-isolated hosts will not be able to restart the affected VMs. This is because of the VMDK file lock; no other host will be able to boot a VM when the files are locked. When a host fails this lock starves and a restart can occur.

Isolation Response Considerations

The default value for isolation/failure detection is 15 seconds. In other words the failed or isolated host will be declared dead by the other hosts in the HA cluster on the fifteenth second and a restart will be initiated by one of the primary hosts.

For now let’s assume the isolation response is “power off”. The “power off”(isolation response) will be initiated by the isolated host 1 second before the das.failuredetectiontime. A “power off” will be initiated on the fourteenth second and a restart will be initiated on the fifteenth second.

Does this mean that you can end up with your VMs being down and HA not restarting them?
Yes, when the heartbeat returns between the 14th and 15th second the “power off” could already have been initiated. The restart however will not be initiated because the heartbeat indicates that the host is not isolated anymore.

How can you avoid this?

Pick “Leave VM powered on” as an isolation response. Increasing the das.failuredetectiontime will also decrease the chances of running in to issues like these.

Basic design principle: Increase “das.failuredetectiontime” to 30 seconds (30000) to decrease the likely-hood of a false positive

Please see the below link for further information on this